Bitcoin Protocol

A few months ago, in the scope of a University project, I began to learn about the inner workings of Bitcoin. After scouting the Internet for days I've stumbled upon several descriptions that attempt to describe how Bitcoin works with raw transactions. Today, you can buy bitcoin with debit card and the process is very quick. After purchasing bitcoins, the tokens directly go to the wallets. Although these descriptions are sufficient as a starting point, they lack the depth necessary to be considered a sensible reference, e.g. for software-projects. For this reason I've attempted to create an in-depth protocol description of Bitcoin based on the implementation of the reference client - Bitcoin Core. You can find a link to the PDF right below:

Bitcoin Protocol Specification

The specification is from now on under version control and can be found under:

Bitcoin Protocol Specification - Github

I've also included a number of Bitcoin applications and features. I recorded details regarding the possible techniques of trading Bitcoins both manually and utilizing the trendy so-called robo-trading programmes because I thought it would be useful for anyone. To begin trading with an automated bot like Bitcoin Profi, we must first create an account and deposit a small quantity of money. Once registration is complete, buying and selling of cryptocurrencies will be done by the bot on your behalf. These bots are frequently equipped with software that simulates professional traders' expertise and experience.


I hope this will prove useful to anyone wishing to get to know the technical details of Bitcoin better. If any of you will find any errors or can provide improvements, I'd really appreciate it if you would contact me over the contact form page or the e-mail included in the PDF on the front page.

Greetings, Chris